Picking up where we left off in part 2, we now have a theme that is kinda working. We am not seeing the text styling and the background images because the concrete5 application is not able to correctly resolve the associated files paths for the stylesheet and images. So to get this issue resolved we are going to need a text editor and some PHP. Read More
October 2013 - wzy Media
Continuing from my introduction in part 1, I’ll just jump straight into the process. I downloaded the latest version of concrete5 from the projects home page at concrete5.org. I then went ahead and installed it on my local web server I created using WAMP. This is a great program for those wanting an easy installation of an Apache, MySQL and PHP server stack in a Windows environment. Read More
Recently while browsing the ThemeForest catalog for potential WordPress themes for a new project, i took a glance in the concrete5 section. I have known of concrete5 for some time now but never took any serious considerations about it. The reason for this was because it is relatively new and had a small community and themes were not “wowing” me . Read More
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